Русский | English Translation by Katherine Ilachinski (Aug 2009)

In 1915 L. Viktorov finishes Academy with excellence and was awarded a scientific degree of the candidate of divinity. He invites his father to the ceremony, who was pleased to arrive in Kiev to take part in son?s celebration. Record of this travel was made by priest Nikolai Viktorov, which he has made on a blank page before the title page of Orthodox Mesjatseslov: ?In a year of the greatest war the following special events have taken place in our life. My travel in May to Kiev, Kharkov, Orel, Moscow, to the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra. The termination of Academy by son Leonid, his marriage and ordination to the diaconate in the Perm cathedral " [2.]

After returning to native places on July 6, 1915 the graduate of academy L. Viktorov has been married to Maria Arsenevna Vinogradova and began to prepare for ordination to the priesthood. In definition of a place of forthcoming service active participation was provided by archpriest Darovatovsky - the rector of the Yaroslavl Theological seminary, and, as Vladyka Nikandr stated himself "the constant patron of all our family".

From two possible places (Vilenskoy and the Perm dioceses) the choice has fallen to Perm. There L. Viktorov met with the fellow countryman - Bishop Andronik (Nikolsky), also a graduate of the Yaroslavl Theological seminary. It became for L. Viktorov as benevolent instructor, as in other time the rector of the seminary.

Ordination of L. Viktorov as deacon has taken place before the feastday of the Dormition of Divine Mother, and as priest - on Transfiguration Day of the same year 1915. Henceforth he was addressed as "Father Leonid". The decree about his appointment to the Christ-Transfiguration cathedral said:

"To the Candidate of Divinity priest Leonid Viktorov. Under the decree of HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY the EMPEROR OF ALL-RUSSIA, the Perm Theological Consistory LISTENED: the resolution of His Grace Most Reverend ANDRONIK, Bishop of Perm and Solikamsk from August 25, 1915.

HAVE ORDERED: to you to be the priest at the Perm Cathedral and to give you the present decree so that you would be executing your post, would act by spiritual rules of the Holy Apostles and Fathers, of spiritual reglaments, State laws, and according to the letter, given to you during the ordination.

28th day of August, 1915" [3.]

As the candidate of divinity Father L. Viktorov, along with service in a cathedral, at once has been assigned to teach in three educational institutions of Perm: Alekseevsk real school, the senior classes in a private high school of L.V.Barbatenko and trading school [4]. His certificate exists as a teacher of Alekseevsk real school from June 26, 1919, №615 from which one can see, that Father Leonid had 14 lessons of God's Law and class leadership in IV class [5.]

[2] Orthodox Mesjatseslov.(Journal). Korostelev family archive.
[3] Decree of the Perm Spiritual Consistory. Korosletev family archive
[4] Ordination of Nikandr, Bishop of Qiqihar. // Heavenly Bread. Harbin, 1946. - №9, 10. - page 49.
[5] The certificate of Father L. Viktorov. Korosletev family archive