Русский | English Translation by Katherine Ilachinski (Aug 2009)

With departure of the ruling bishop and Orthodox clergy to the Motherland "the great emigration" of Russian population from Manchuria was considerably sped up. The last point has been put in existence of Russian Orthodox community of God's preserved city of Harbin - unique, not to be repeated, unforgettable, concluding to the end its historical saving mission under constant protection of Saint Nicholas.

In Moscow, Bishop Nikandr was offered to stay in Peredelkino, in the guest quarters of the Patriarchal Metochion. What a surprise it was for the bishop when he has seen, that in the late evening at a gate of the Metochion he was by Metropolitan Nestor, who was just released from jail. The meeting of the two elders was touching. Both could not constrain tears.

Later there were audiences with the Patriarch, formal receptions in the Patriarchate and, at last on March 8, 1956 has followed appointment to the faculty of the Arkhangelsk diocese covering territory of two areas (Arkhangelsk and Murmansk) and Komi ASSR and spanning from Finland border up to Urals Mountains [48].

However, entering on the Arkhangelsk faculty, Bishop Nikandr still had no certain answerto two of his troubling questions: about further destiny of the Harbin diocese and church property that was there. For the first time he has put these questions in the letter to metropolitan Nicolas (JArushevich) on May 5, 1955:" If my diocese is closing, I ask the acknowledgement of this by the decree and instructions to whom I have to transfer management and property. If she remains working and only under influence of circumstances is gradually closing, and in this circumstances it is necessary for me to know as well what to do and how to act with relics, utensils and all church property. And it is necessary to say, that the property is large and valuable "[49].

Surprisingly, but till the departure of the Bishop to USSR, " in the instructions coming from Moscow, nothing was spoken ", and the Soviet Consul declared, that the question on the form of management of the Chinese Orthodox Church " will be resolved later by the Chinese government " [50]. In the Patriarchate they were inclined to the idea to transferto China all church property without recompense. Archbishop of Beijing believed the same way also and gave about it corresponding orders. Bishop Nikandr, however, adhered to another point of view. He considered that Russian relics should be taken back to Russia. So he brought this question to the attention of the commission of the Moscow Patriarchy led by Bishop Illarion, who visited China in August-October of 1955. Exactly the same he personally reported it after his arrival to Moscow.

His last attempt to insist in this matter he did already from Arkhangelsk in the letter addressed to metropolitan Nicolas at the end of March 1956: "I have begun the management of the Arkhangelsk diocese and I believe, that my attitudes and obligations to former diocese of Harbin have been terminated. There they should be informed about my new appointment so that remembrance of my name during divine services should be stopped. At departure I asked Archbishop Victor of Beijing by telegraph to take temporarily diocese of Harbin under his archbishops care pending definition of its position. In this case I am disturbed only with destiny of Orthodox temples of Harbin and destiny of church property" [51]. His position archbishop Nikandr has described clearly and unambiguously: "it is necessary that all church property brought by Russian to China was transferred to the special Commission appointed by the Moscow Patriarch which willtake out this property to Moscow, leaving a part for needs of the Chinese clergy" [52]. It is difficult to present more reasonable and weighed offer.

[48] Archive of family Korostelevyh.
[49] Priest D. Pozdnyaev. Orthodoxy in China. Internet.
[50] In the same place.
[51] A draft copy of the letter with hand written corrections by Bishop Nikandr. Archive of family Korostelevyh.
[52] In the same place.