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St Nicholas Church in Zhalantun, Inner Mongolia

The church at the Zhalantun Station of the Chinese Eastern Railway in the former Butha Banner in northwestern Manchuria was built in 1915 with parishioners' funds.

According to Harbin Diocese - Parishes in China for 1929, the church was built in 1915, and the rector was Archpriest Stefan Vladimirovich NEGINTSEV.

According to Fr. V. Gerasimov, in "Review of the Dioceses of Harbin on October 1, 1939", Heavenly Bread, Harbin, 1939, No. 10, pg. 95, the priest E. Bankovskiy was the rector of the church, and N.P. Krivenya was the churchwarden.

The church building survived to this day but the original belfry and its onion dome atop the temple has since been removed.


photo from Politekhnik, No. 10
(1969-1979), pp 136-137