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St Innokenty Cathedral of Manzhouli

This church served as the Metochion of the Russian Orthodox Mission.

Near the Cathedral was buried St Jonah (Pokrovsky) in 1925. The Cathedral and grave were desecrated in 1964, and completely demolished in the early 1980s.

Today, no trace of the Cathedral and grave exist on the site, which is now covered by a schoolyard occupied by an elementary school at Erdao Street, Mǎnzhōulǐ, Hūlúnbèiěr, Inner Mongolia.


Photos taken before 1942 from Museum of Church Archaeology, MDPA

1930's photo from MonoVisions

photo shot from east to west.
photo from memoryofchina.org

mailed to Japan in 1928.
postcard from memoryofchina.org

northeast view from Yidao Street.
photo from Kenneth
(Innokenty) Soovoroff

East view from church western bell tower.
postcard from memoryofchina.org

southeast view from church western bell tower.
street on the right is Yidao Jie.
postcard from memoryofchina.org

1930s postcard from Japan

St. Innocent Cathedral choir
photo from Abp HILARION of
Sydney & Australia