Kratkaja Istorija Duxonvyx Missij v Kitae, (c. 1915-16)
English trans. by Nina Tkachuk Dimas

Zhejiang Province

200th anniversary group photo
from Boris Alexandrov

Fr. Pavel Figurovsky traveled to serve the cities of this province. In 1910 12 people from the city of Taizhou were baptized in Shanghai, including an official, two merchants and a [female] teacher. All of them were prepared for baptism by Lazar Wang. In the same year, Doctor Filipp was engaged in preaching; another of the local Christians, Matfey Se, helped considerably with the baptism of neophytes and was given a district to manage. In the following year 243 persons were baptized during Great Lent and many others signed up for religious instruction. In January of 1914, Fr. Evstafy visited Taizhou; the Christians were overjoyed by this visit. A permanent priest is required here.

In Hangzhou, Orthodoxy took root in 1910, when a local resident, Vasily Wang, who had been baptized in Shanghai, began assembling those who wished to hear religious instruction realized.

Zhejiang Shipu Orthodox Church
Pascha 3rd anniversary
Apr 9, 1939 photo from
"Orthodoxy in China", pg. 131

In 1910 several people from Ningbo and Shipu signed up for religious instruction; the following year 96 people from both localities were baptized. The religious instructor in Shipu is Pyotr Wu. In 1914 hierodeacon Fr. Evstafy traveled to Shipu and served the all-night vigil in Pyotr Wu's home. The many Christian congregants asked that a house be rented for their prayer meetings, which would considerably move forward the matter of catechization, but because of a lack of resources, this has not been realized.