纷争,挫败黑暗势力的阴谋,停止国家的战乱;迅速地摧毁并根除异端的兴起,以你圣灵的能力打击它们,使之归于乌有。 (叩拜)
悯我罪人。 (叩拜)
绕他们;为了你的圣教会和你的众子民,请引导他们的心灵趋于祥和圣善,使我们得以在他们的升平中度宁静,平安,虔敬和正直的生活。 (叩拜)
我们在基督内的众弟兄,藉着他们的祈祷,也求你怜悯我这不堪之人。 (叩拜)
主啊,求你拯救并怜悯我的神师(某名),藉着他的祈祷,求你赦免我的罪过。 (叩拜)
主啊,求你拯救并怜悯工作于此神圣团体的众弟兄:所有劳心劳力者,在俗的工役,修道院田园的耕作者,以及全体基督徒。 (叩拜)
主啊,求你拯救并怜悯我的父母(某名,〈若他们健在〉),我的妻子/丈夫(某名),我的子女(某名),我的兄弟姐妹和所有亲属,我家的邻舍和友人;请赐予他们你属世和属天的美善之物。 (叩拜)
主啊,依照你丰厚的慈悯,求你拯救并怜悯诸位修士司祭,修士辅祭,修士,修女,以及所有在修道院、沙漠、洞穴、高山、柱头、茅庐、岩隙、海岛和你统驭的各处,怀着正信善度守贞,虔敬和克修生活,热忱地事奉祈求你的人们。请减轻他们的重担,安慰他们的痛苦,恩赐他们勇气、毅力和恒心,好能坚持他们的征战。藉着他们的祈祷,求赐我罪过的赦免。 (叩拜)
主啊,求你拯救并怜悯老人和少年,穷人和贫乏者,孤儿和鳏寡,因患恶疾而遭隔绝的人,麻风病人,癫痫病人,瘫痪者,及所有身罹疾患痛苦的人,遭受天灾人祸者,身陷囹圄者,被充军流放者,服苦役者和受刑囚者;特别是为了正教信仰而遭受无神论者,叛道者和异端者迫害折磨的你的众仆役。请眷顾,坚强,安慰并治愈他们,以你的大能迅速解救并释放他们,恩赐他们自由。 (叩拜)
们你的恩宠,并满全他们所有有益于得救和获致永福的恳求。 (叩拜)
主啊,求你拯救并怜悯我们的父辈,昆仲,姊妹和所有为了你的事工而旅行在外的正统基督徒。 (叩拜)
主啊,求你拯救并怜悯那些因我之故而失足,偏离了得救正道的人,那些被我引入恶行的人。请以你的神圣旨意,引导他们复归救恩之路。� (叩拜)
主啊,求你拯救并怜悯那些憎恨,冒犯,伤害我们的人,请勿因我这罪人之故而使他们遭受惩罚。 (叩
请以你的真知之光光照所有背离正教信仰的人,以及那些因败坏的异端邪说而瞽盲的人,求使他们归向你唯一,神圣,大公,传自使徒的教会。 (叩拜)
The following commemoration of the living and the departed is according to the monastic daily office. Non-monastics can add these prayers after the morning prayers or at some other time during the day.
Remember, O Lord Jesus Christ our God, Thy mercies
and bounties which are from all eternity, and through which Thou didst become man and
didst will to suffer crucifixion and death for the salvation of those who rightly believe
in Thee, and having risen from the dead didst ascend into heaven, and sittest at the right
hand of God the Father and regardest the humble entreaties of those who call upon Thee
with all their heart: incline Thy ear, and hear the humble prayer of me, Thy worthless
servant, as the fragrance of spiritual incense, which I offer to Thee for all people. And
first remember Thy Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, which Thou hast provided through
Thy Precious Blood. Confirm, strengthen, extend, and increase her, and keep her in peace,
and for ever proof against the power of hell. Calm the dissensions of the Churches, and
foil the plans of the powers of darkness, dispel the prejudice of the nations, and quickly
ruin and root out the risings of heresy, and frustrate them by the power of the Holy
Spirit. Bow.
Save, O Lord, and have mercy on our president and
all in authority throughout the world, commanders-in-chief of armies and navies and
airfleets, governors of provinces and cities, and all the Christ-loving navies, armies and
police; protect their power with peace, and subdue under their feet every enemy and foe,
and speak peace and blessing in their hearts for Thy Holy Church, and for all Thy people,
and grant that in their calm we too may lead a quiet and peaceful life in true belief, in
all piety and honesty. Bow.
Save, O Lord, and have mercy on Orthodox Patriarchs,
Metropolitans, Archbishops and Bishops, the Priests and Deacons, and all who serve in the
Church, and whom Thou hast ordained to feed Thy spiritual flock; and by their prayers,
have mercy on me, a sinner. Bow.
Save, O Lord, and have mercy on my Spiritual Father (name)
and by his prayers forgive me my sins. Bow.
If a parish, add:
Save, O Lord, and have mercy on our father (parish
priest or abbot of monastery), with all his brethren in Christ, and by their prayers have
mercy on me, wretch that I am. Bow.
If a monastery, add:
Save, O Lord, and have mercy on all workers in this
holy community, our brethren and all manual workers, and lay-workers, and farm labourers
of this monastery, and all Christians. Bow.
Adapt petition as needed:
Save, O Lord, and have mercy on my parents (names), my spouse
(name), my children (names), my brothers and sisters and all my relatives, and the neighbours of my family, and friends
- and grant them Thy worldly and spiritual goods. Bow.
Save, O Lord, and have mercy according to the
multitude of Thy bounties, on all priests, monks and nuns, and on all living in virginity,
devotion and fasting, in monasteries, in deserts, in caves, on mountains, on pillars, in
hermitages, in the clefts of rocks, and right faith in every place of Thy dominion, and
devoutly serving Thee, and praying to Thee. Lighten their burden, console them in their
afflictions, and grant them strength, power and perseverance in their struggle, and by
their prayers grant me remission of sins. Bow.
Save, O Lord, and have mercy on the old and the
young, the poor and destitute, the orphans and widows, the leper colonies, epileptics and
spastics, and those in sickness and sorrow, misfortune and tribulation, captives and
exiles, in mines and prisons and reformatories, and especially on those of Thy servants
suffering persecution for Thy sake and for the Orthodox Faith from godless peoples,
apostates and heretics. Visit, strengthen, comfort, and heal them, and by Thy power quickly
grant them relief, freedom and deliverance. Bow.
Save, O Lord, and have mercy on our benefactors, who
have mercy on us and feed us, and relieve us of anxiety by giving us alms, and entrust us,
unworthy as we are, to pray for them; and give them Thy grace, and grant them all their
requests which conduce to salvation, and the attainment of eternal joy. Bow.
Save, O Lord, and have mercy on the Fathers and
Sisters, and our Brotherhood, and on all Orthodox Christians who are messengers and
missionaries in Thy service, and are travelling. Bow.
Save, O Lord, and have mercy on those whom I have
offended or scandalized by my madness or inadvertence, and whom I have turned from the way
of salvation, and whom I have led into evil and harmful deeds. By Thy divine providence
restore them again to the way of salvation. Bow.
Save, O Lord, and have mercy on those who hate and
offend me, and do me harm, and let them not perish through me, a sinner. Bow.
Illumine with the light of grace all
apostates from the Orthodox Faith, and those blinded by pernicious heresies, and draw them
to Thyself, and unite them to Thy Holy, Apostolic, Catholic Church. Bow.