Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral) blessed the use of the following Troparion composed and Kontakion modified by Presbyter John Whiteford of St. Jonah Orthodox Church in the late 1990s in place of the ones published in the June Menaion for the service to the Chinese Martyrs which was originally translated by Rdr Isaac Lambertsen from the Church Slavonic.
Troparion, Tone 3
Let us the flock of Christ with faith and love / now glorify with hymns the faithful martyrs who suffered for Christ in China. / For having confessed the Faith, / they all went bravely unto death, / not considering suffering for Christ's sake too hard to endure; / but rather viewing death as a passage to a place of blessed repose. / Therefore to the Martyrs we cry out: // Remember us all, who sing your praises.
Kontakion, Tone 1
O martyrs of these latter times, / ye whitened your garments in the blood of the Lamb, / and shed your own blood for Christ. / Wherefore, ye now minister unto Him day and night in the Church of heaven. / Therefore, entreat Christ for us, O glorious martyrs, / that He preserve His little flock from the beguilement of the enemy, / and that He lead all of us out of all tribulation // unto a land of never-waning light.